Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Season 5 Episode 14: My Bloody Valentine Review

Part 1:
            Happy Valentines Day. The Winchester bother are on the hunt looking for the horsemen rings. A date goes horrible wrong when the two lovers were shot by Cupids love arrow and end up eating each other till death. They end up finding Famine, who was accumulating everyone’s starvation and greed for what they desire around the entire town. For every suicide and death, Famines demons collects the soul and delivers them to him so he could feed on them. Before Dean and Castiel can leave Sam, Dean chains Sam to the bathroom sink pipe so he couldn’t feed on the demon’s blood that would be there. Famine sends demons so Sam can relieve his thirst and be released. Dean gets caught because Castiel got distracted by ground beef. Sam kills the other demons and Famine by using his powers, retrieving the horsemen’s ring.

Part 2:
            My Bloody Valentine was written by Ben Edlund. This episode is not their best work. The writing seemed to only have very few good lines and everything else seemed filler. This made the episode seem to go by slower than its 45 minutes. Although, the story was still well told through the writing was telling. The story itself was surprising. At my initial thought, I thought there was going to be a dark cupid, but it ended up being a new twist on the biblical story of Famine and how its not just food and hunger but its what someone craves. Although there are a few flaws such as at the end of the last scene when Sam distracts Famine, why doesn’t Dean attempt to cut of his finger to get the ring.
            The end of the episode was when Jared and Jensen’s acting talents glimmered. Jared’s capability to demonstrate his thirst for demon blood and having to give in to defeat Famine and save his brother. Two polar opposite emotions, of love giving into his temptation but not wanting to but having to because he has to save his brother. Then Jensen’s moment outdoors at the end of the episode praying to God for strength was exceedingly emotional and open the door for the series to answer whether if there is a God or not. For his “insides” or soul to be repaired and normal like everyone else’s. This shows Deans weakness and true side that no one knows or gets to meet. Almost showing how Dean wants a normal life outside of hunting. Along side, guest star Famine played by James Otis. He brought an element I have seen on Supernatural before. Famine was so creepy. He brought chills down my spine. When he is riding in his wheelchair into the restaurant. Also his voice when he talks, rattles and crocks as if they is pure evil inside of him. One observation, I’ve made between Famine and one of his last human victims that ate one to many Twinkies, is the similarity in the body type. Both and scrawny but have a bellyful. Even Famine himself is effected by his own power he just wants more and more victims to feed on.
            Along with the visuals, they were spot on. All the organs that were used for props of the two devouring lovers are realistic and anatomically precise. The blood was the correct color and consistency. While Sam and Dean were pulling apart each piece, examining each inch to find a clue, most identifiable remains were accurate to the human body. The veins were also intricate and very exquisite especially in the heart, when they did a close up to show the branding of Cupids mark. You can tell which veins are vital for bring oxygen into the heart and out.  

Part 3:

            This episode wasn’t a “monster of the week” but really contributed to the season and the series as a whole. It ended the brother search for the third horsemen and we got to see into the mind of Dean with his ending monologue asking to be fixed. One question that arises from this episode is bringing up John and Mary and how they were destined to be together to have Sam and Dean. Which means they must have planned the Apocalypse years in advanced. The show does have its problems with plot holes. This questions the line of what is fate and how far does it go until something is a coincidence, but also free will. Whether, how your soul can either fight for what it wants or was the how one is suppose to feel about something.

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