Friday, March 4, 2016

8x13 Everybody Hates Hitler

            In “Everybody Hates Hitler,” season eight episode thirteen, Sam and Dean discover the Men of Letters bunker, which Dean quickly dubs the “Bat Cave.” While investigating their new home, Sam discovers the Judah Initiative and finds out that a Rabbi involved with the Judah Initiative “spontaneously combusted” while researching in the library. The Winchesters then meet Aaron and his Golem, who tells them about the Thule Society his grandfather wanted to destroy. The Thule Society is made up of Nazi Necromancers, which the Golem was created to destroy.  However, Aaron does not know how to control the Golem.

            There are a few roles that need to be fulfilled in this episode. Aaron needs to master his control of his Golem, and Sam and Dean need to become the new Men of Letters. Their situations mirror each other: Aaron is the last of the Judah Initiative, and Sam and Dean are the last of the Men of Letters. They were both told of these roles by their grandfathers, and need to figure out how to fulfill them on their own.

            In Aaron’s case, he did not want to be forced into the supernatural world. He thought the stories his grandfather would tell him were in fact just stories. He does not know how to control his Golem as he smoked the manual, and he does not know how to destroy the Thule Society.

            Sam and Dean decide to help him after meeting him while investigating his grandfather’s murder. The Judah Initiative and Men of Letters used to work together, so it is like history repeating itself. Together, they all learn how to defeat the Thule Society permanently.

            Once the Thule Society finds Aaron and the Winchester brothers, Eckhart tells Aaron how to become a Golem’s master obviously under the impression that Aaron, Sam, and Dean will not be able to stop him. However, this allows Aaron to take control of the Golem, and instead of allowing Sam and Dean to take the Golem away he decides to continue fighting his grandfather’s war.

            Sam and Dean had a slightly easier time stepping up to become Men of Letters. They were raised to be hunters, so they already knew some information about the monsters the Men of Letters fought. In fact, the Men of Letters bunker seems to be tailor made for Sam and Dean. It has an extensive library and multiple weapons, as well as running water and electricity. The brothers fit in well in the bunker, where Sam can research and Dean can play with weapons. Once Sam finds out about the Judah Initiative, the brothers go to investigate as Men of Letters, finding the case more important because of how the two secret societies are connected. They have a larger responsibility with the Men of Letters, but they have already stopped one Apocalypse; they can handle a few larger cases.

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