Saturday, March 26, 2016

"Angel Heart" 10x20: A Supernatural Review


Claire Novak is searching for her mother, Amelia, who has been missing for two years. When Claire gets hurt, the hospital calls him as her emergency contact. Scared and feeling guilty over his failure to protect his vessel's family, Castiel calls Sam and Dean to help him with Claire. Sam and Dean help Cas and Claire search for Amelia only to discover she has been kept for "soul food" by a Grigori, a class of angel sent in ancient times to watch over humanity and thought to be long extinct. Supernatural "Angel Heart" 10x20


Beautiful back lighting
Directed by Steve Boyum and written by Robbie Thompson, “Angel Heart” has many elements within in it that is done amazingly well. One thing I always enjoy about Robbie Thomson episodes is his ability to weave Supernatural myth and lore in with the present MOTW. This is the first time we are hearing of the Grigori and I certainly hope it’s not the last. Honestly, crazy badass warrior class of angels might be handy against Amara in the current season. 

Beautiful cinematography, as usual
Thompson is also particularly skilled at plugging previous plot holes and tying up loose story ends. Cas finally revealed in 10x09 “The Things We Left Behind” that Jimmy was not resurrected by God with Castiel after Lucifer obliterated him in “Swan Song”. Jimmy has been in heaven. So now, five seasons later, Cas begins to feel guilty about not keeping his promise to protect Jimmy’s family. Unfortunately, every time Cas tries to do what he feels is the “right thing”, he usually makes things much worse. Do I need to bring up Leviathans or Metatron? At least Castiel is working with Sam and Dean to try and fix things and it is enjoyable to see “Team Free Will” together. 

Another thing Robbie does well is humor and pop culture references. Cas referring to the popular chain store that is well known to carry loads of Supernatural merchandise as the "Hot Topical" was fun and spurred the chain to rapidly put out a t-shirt that said Cas's quote. 

The mini golf game between Dean and Claire was enjoyable as well. Dean makes a hole-in-one and Dean gets excited shouting "It's in the hole! It's in the hole!" Which is from the classic golf film Caddyshack. Claire makes a hole-in-one as well and quotes Happy Gilmore back to him. 

Careful Dean, your Jensen is showing

Set design was incredible once again. Claire is staying at the Curtis Motor Court Motel which is in Tulsa Oklahoma. The motel room is in earth tones and has a room divider that has oil rigs as its design. 

And as evidenced by the multiple screen grabs, set pics and gifs I'm posting, this episode has some gorgeous cinematography! Claire's last scene of her driving away while "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" plays is just one of many incredible camera angle shots that made this episode visually pleasing.

Questions. Problems. Comments. Concerns.

Dean and his feminine Mini-me?
First, I have issues with the Claire character. She’s very flat. I’m not sure if this is because of how she is written or because of the actress portrayal. Claire’s only expressions and emotional state seem to be different levels angsty obnoxiousness. In the progression of this character so far I have begun to notice a disturbing attempt to mirror her with Dean. From her smart-ass quips, to her definite Daddy issues, to the way she is dressed, there seems to be a 
 not-so-thinly veiled attempted to parallel her with Dean, and this isn't the only episode this has been noted on between these two characters. This also happens in season 11 "Don't You Forget About Me". Now as to what the ultimate goal or motive for this may be remains a mystery.

At least, with this episode, the loose end of Jimmy and Amelia Novak is officially settled. Claire is now an orphan, and her parents are reunited in heaven. One loose end and plot hole down, only about 387 more to go! That’s just a rough estimate. There are probably more. (Robbie, get on that!) 
I really wish there was a writer on staff who really understood and had limitless ideas about the angels storyline and in particular, Castiel’s. Since Ben Edlund left I feel the Angel’s storyline has just become so inarticulate and lost that no one knows what to do with them. Poor Cas has had nothing to do and such an ill-defined, wishy-washy persona as of late that he seems almost like an entirely different character. I feel like most of Castiel’s story in season 10 is just Misha with puppy dog eyes. 
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain



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