Wednesday, February 17, 2016

6x05 "Live Free or Twi-hard" Review

My Synopsis

Season 6 episode 5 is called “Live Free or Twi-hard”.  In this episode Sam and Dean find a case where a six girls have gone missing over the course of seven days.  During the investigation Sam allows Dean to get turned by a vampire to not only test out the Campbell family cure but also to find the alpha vampire that was responsible for the missing girls.  Dean ends up killing Boris instead and being cured by the recipe.  They find out that the vampires are planning a full scale army. 

My Review

In today’s culture Vampires have since become a popular punchline due to its uprising in 2008.  In Supernatural’s fifth episode of the sixth season this punchline is definitely exploited.  I find this episode very enjoyable in watching Sam and Dean individually.  Some useful context for this episode to remember is that Sam is currently soulless.
 Dean is very enjoyable to watch become a vampire.  He has a firm belief that all monsters are bad and as hunter they kill monsters.  In his thinking monsters are bound to kill because they have no self -control.  As soon as Dean turns he asks for Sam to kill him already resigned to the “fact” that it would either be Sam or Samuel.  Dean doesn’t even give himself the benefit out the doubt that he will not kill Sam or anyone else.  Additionally in the scene where Dean visits Lisa I almost wanted to laugh as the music and both of Dean’s and Lisa’s reactions indicated a serious moment yet in the back of my head I was seeing Twilight.  I think this was done purposefully because when I was a first time viewer I felt awful for Dean and Lisa.  Looking back now though the scene is a bit overdramatic but I feel like compared to similar film scenes (Twilight) this is actually done quite effectively.

            Soulless Sam is one of my favorite character variations as he is cold, calculating, and careless.  Everything about him is the exact opposite of Sam and I find it strange that Dean hadn’t noticed sooner.  Regardless, I also enjoy watching Soulless Sam because it’s fun to analyze and compare his reactions to Sam’s.  When Soulless Sam’s possible motivation for letting Dean be turned was revealed it made me realize how smart Sam really is.  He had enough foresight to know that Dean would make an excellent spy but also that he could turn Dean back.  The best part about Soulless Sam is the fact that I can’t figure out if Soulless knew Dean would be fine to infiltrate a nest by himself or if he didn’t know and didn’t care if Dean died.  I think it’s more likely a combination of both, admittedly though I would be quite upset if Soulless caused Dean to die since Dean has fought so hard to keep Sam alive just for Soulless to come along and get Dean killed without a care in the world would be an injustice. 

            Overall I found this episode fun to watch in terms of the characters because Jensen had to play Dean as a vampire.  Jared on the other hand had to play Sam who it soulless but has to pretend to be normal Sam with a soul.  This episode goes deep into Dean’s personality and shows how black and white Dean think that good and evil are.  On the other side of things Sam doesn’t care about anything but still feels obligated to keep Dean alive.  One question I continue to ask myself about Soulless Sam is, why does he keep Dean alive?  Why does he stay with Dean?  

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