Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Song Remains the Same

Season 5
Episode 13
“The Song remains the same”
                Angel Anna comes back into the forefront of the show but seems to have been Heaven brainwashed as Castiel was earlier on. The boys and Cas chase her to the past to stop her from killing their parents. However, this time Dean has to tell his mother who he is for real. However two angels against them with a wounded Cas was not going to end well. However, their father said yes and down came Michael. Archangel Michael took over John Winchester and struck down Anna, and let past Uriel return to Heaven. After that he tells the boy the vessel is a bloodline thing and says Dean will say yes.
                The episode once again brings into question if there is free will. The first time Dean was sent back in time it was to show no matter what he did, fate is set in stone. However, God put them in an airplane to save them therefore he had to intervene which means fate is not set in stone. Then this episode comes along and it shows that they will be born, their mother will die and know that she will die. That their bloodline is why they are vessels and that this was going to happen since the beginning of time. Where is the free will in that? Even going back in time to kill Anna was meant to happen. Uriel hatting them in the future is because he is told in the past by Anna that the Winchesters will be the death of him. You could focus on the time traveling aspect of angels but let’s face it, the angels have tried to come off as badass and instead are just the government that nobody wants to follow. It is hilarious that the angels are doing everything they possibly can to force Dean into saying yes and Anna is trying to kill Sam to make sure he doesn’t say yes. While Lucifer on the other hand only asks politely, and is doing nothing himself to force the issue on to Sam. He wants him to yes all on his own, when he realizes that Lucifer is his friend. Of course The Devil actually being his friend is very doubtful since the man wants to end the world. They’ve already come across one of the horseman War and he had a town killing each other. Lucifer on the other hand is going to roast the entire planet by the sounds of it. It’s so bad that Sam was curious if Anna’s plan would work, but Cas said that is would not.
                The debate about free will existing or not will play a big part throughout the series. Because it always seems to jump back and forth. However, the boys want to believe in it. More specifically they want to believe in themselves and each other. They want to believe that their actions are their own, not God’s, not the Devil’s not even the Angels. They choices they make are their own, at least, they want to believe that.

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