Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Supernatural 6x19 "Mommy Dearest"

Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Castiel turn to Lenore in efforts to find Eve, she tells them she is in a small town in Oregon. When they get there they find locals have been transformed into different mixes of supernatural creatures, hybrids (or as Dean decides to call them, Jefferson Starships). Once they get to Eve, she tells them Crowley is still alive. Bobby and Sam are suspicious of Castiel, they think he involved with Crowley. The episode cuts off with Crowley saying to Castiel, “How many times do I have to clean up your messes?”
This episode written by Adam Glass and directed by John F. Showalter parallels the lives of Sam and Dean. The similarities become obvious when the Winchesters decide to take two little boys who are now orphans to a relative. They do everything they can for these two little boys to get what they never got. In the car the older brother takes on a protective and parental role telling his little brother to go to sleep and to rest on him. This brings us back to Sam and Dean and how Dean always protected Sam and was always like another parent to him. Castiel points out that they have a soft spot for the boys but Sam and Dean wave away the comment. Eve shifts shape to look like Mary Winchester, Sam and Dean’s mom, only to drive the point home even more. When they all later found out the little brother was a hybrid it is yet again mirroring Sam and Dean. Sam, the little brother, is the one with supernatural abilities.
The writing in this episode was done in such a way that it does tell a story at the same time it is interwoven with the parallelism of the Winchester brothers’ story. To a regular audience member these might be things they do not pick up as they are not focused on how the camera angles shoot the orphan boys to mimic Sam and Dean at their age and then show Sam and Dean giving each other knowing glances that they are giving these boys a chance at a normal life just as they wish they had a normal life.

                The only definite question at the end of this episode is, why is Castiel working with Crowley?

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