Monday, April 4, 2016

An Open Letter to Supernatural

Dear Supernatural,              
            Taking a class about you has been harder than I anticipated. I started this semester as a fan of the show, but never really analyzed it until now. I now understand more about what happens behind the scenes; all the people who work so hard to make your production as smooth as possible and all the work put in that viewers don’t even notice.

            When I began this class I was simply a casual watcher. I liked the plot, and the actors were great. Studying the writing and production process has given me a new appreciation for you. I can now look at an episode and analyze the decisions made and lend my voice to the larger discussions surrounding you. I can debate with other fans of the show whether a choice that was made was a good one, or if it could have been done differently. I can appreciate the sound effects, acting, and camera work for the craft that they are along with the writing used to construct the story. The way I view you know is almost like a living thing; the writing is the skeleton, and the sound effects, acting, and camera work are the things that hold you together and build you up layer by layer.

            By analyzing you I have learned so much about the subtleties that enhance the story to make it as intricate and realistic as possible. In fact, the smallest details make the biggest impacts, like the music, sound effects, back ground colors, lighting, camera angles, props. They often go unnoticed, but they add another dimension to the story telling by giving the viewer cues on how to read a scene. The props that are in multiple episodes add to the continuity of the series as a whole. By learning about these small, underappreciated tricks I hope to incorporate them into my own writing.

            Thank you for everything I have learned,

                        ~ Kris

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